Volumetric Plastic Liquid Filled Meter MID
.MID Certificated TCM142/10-4759
.WRAS approved
NWM PD-LFC is Piston Displacement (Volumetric) water meter with mechanical transmission, liquid sealed register size Dn20 and Dn25 designed by NWM and granted with reference to document NMI 49-1 Water Meters Intended for the Metering of Cold Potable Water and Hot Water, Part 1 Metrological and Technical Requirements. Comply with Australian standard
1. All the components are produced with high resistance and quality materials, technical plastics and stainless steel parts;
2. Cold water meter under current standard for lower than 30℃(T30), but NWM PD-LFC can be used safely in water temperature up to 50℃(T50);
3. The rollers are protected by special liquid don’t touch with the water which ensures the clear reading in any operating conditions;
4. The mechanical transmission movement with the maximum reliability; no influence from the external magnetic field;
6. Dual Non Return Valve to avoid the reserve flow Rate;